It may be obvious that you need to have enough money before you start your course , but working out the costs may be a little more tricky! It’s impossible to know exactly how much you will spend whilst you are here, but the following forms a break down of the estimated average student expenditure for the next academic year.
Please remember that this is an estimated cost of attendance table so you’ll need to increase or decrease the figures to meet your circumstances. The number of weeks is generally 39 for pre-clinical students and 52 for clinical students. The tuition fees shown above will also vary depending on your course.
It is important that you have enough money to cover all your costs, but it is also sensible not to take out larger loans than you need.
International Student Calculator
UKCISA have teamed up with UNIAID to develop a new online tool to help international students plan and manage their finances for studies in the UK. We thoroughly recommend you make use of the International Student Calculator. It enables students to:
* Build a lifestyle budget and see how it balances by week, month or over a year
* Understand how you will spend your time as well as your money in the UK
* Get information on insurance and banking as well as guidance on the costs of living
* Learn from case studies and top tips from other students
* Save your budget information so you can use it before arriving or during your study