Studying medical and healthcare, training courses for doctors, Best UK medical schools.
St George's, University of London (SGUL), previously known as St George's Hospital Medical School (SGHMS), is a specialist medical college of the University of London, and one of the United Hospitals. The college has its origins in 1733, and was the second institution in England to provide formal training courses for doctors (after the University of Oxford). As of 2008 the medical school accepted around 100 graduates, 175 undergraduates and 10 students from overseas making it one of the larger UK medical schools.
St George’s was the first institution in the UK to offer a Graduate Entry Programme to Medicine open to graduates from any discipline. We are the only specialist, independent medical and healthcare institution within the University of London. There are currently 2,900 full-time undergraduate students and 400 postgraduate students and our location means that students can walk the corridors from clinical teaching room to laboratory to hospital ward.
One of the unique features of our courses is that undergraduate students from most subject areas are taught together in the first semester. This gives our students an opportunity to share learning with other future healthcare professionals and to make a start on the team-building that is vital to the delivery of modern healthcare.
Medical schools
St George’s, University of London
Cranmer Terrace
London SW17 0RE
Telephone +44 (0) 20 8725 2333
St George’s was the first institution in the UK to offer a Graduate Entry Programme to Medicine open to graduates from any discipline. We are the only specialist, independent medical and healthcare institution within the University of London. There are currently 2,900 full-time undergraduate students and 400 postgraduate students and our location means that students can walk the corridors from clinical teaching room to laboratory to hospital ward.
One of the unique features of our courses is that undergraduate students from most subject areas are taught together in the first semester. This gives our students an opportunity to share learning with other future healthcare professionals and to make a start on the team-building that is vital to the delivery of modern healthcare.
Medical schools
St George’s, University of London
Cranmer Terrace
London SW17 0RE
Telephone +44 (0) 20 8725 2333